%====================================== LaTeX Macros ========================== % Dear IPCCC2001 authors, % % I have removed some of the bugs in the LaTeX Macro. Please do a search % of the string "CHANGE" and modify portions (title, author, sections, etc). % Please check out http://www.ipccc.org/ipccc2001/authors/ for regulations on % the length of your paper. % % I apologize for the inconvinence caused by the bugs in the precious % macro and hope this one helps. Please contact me directly at xue@cs.uvm.edu % if you encounter further problems. % % Guoliang Xue %============================================================================== %============================================================================== % % Please use these macros if they help % and ignore them if they do not help % % Template for producing IEEE-format articles using LaTeX. % Written by Matthew Ward, CS Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. % Use at your own risk. % Complaints to /dev/null. % % Make two column with no page numbering, default is 10 point \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \pagestyle{empty} % set dimensions of columns, gap between columns, and paragraph indent %============================================================================== \setlength{\textheight}{8.75in} \setlength{\columnsep}{2.0pc} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.8in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0.25in} \setlength{\headheight}{0.0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0.0in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.19in} \setlength{\parindent}{1pc} %conform to IEEE format %============================================================================== \makeatletter % as Latex cosiders descenders in its calculation of interline spacing, % to get 12 point spacing for normalsize text, must set it to 10 points \def\@normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{10pt}\xpt\@xpt \abovedisplayskip 10pt plus2pt minus5pt\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus3pt\belowdisplayshortskip 6pt plus3pt minus3pt\let\@listi\@listI} % need an 11 pt font size for subsection and abstract headings \def\subsize{\@setsize\subsize{12pt}\xipt\@xipt} % make section titles bold and 12 point, 2 blank lines before, 1 after \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{1.0ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{.2ex plus .2ex}{\large\bf}} % make subsection titles bold and 11 point, 1 blank line before, 1 after \def\subsection{\@startsection {subsection}{2}{\z@}{.2ex plus 1ex} {.2ex plus .2ex}{\subsize\bf}} \makeatother %============================================================================== \begin{document} % don't want date printed \date{} % make title bold and 14 pt font (Latex default is non-bold, 16pt) %============================================================================== % CHANGE: here starts the title and authors... % \title{\Large\bf My Wonderful Article in IEEE Format} % for single author (just remove % characters) % \author{I. M. Author \\ % My Department \\ % My Institute \\ % My City, STATE, zip} % for two authors (this is what is printed) \author{\begin{tabular}[t]{c@{\extracolsep{8em}}c} I. M. Author & M. Y. Coauthor \\ \\ My Department & Coauthor Department \\ My Institute & Coauthor Institute \\ City, STATE~~zipcode & City, STATE~~zipcode \end{tabular}} \maketitle % I don't know why I have to reset thispagestyle, but % otherwise get page numbers \thispagestyle{empty} %============================================================================== % CHANGE: here starts the abstract... % \subsection*{\centering Abstract} % IEEE allows italicized abstract {\em This is the abstract of my paper. It must fit within the size allowed, which is about 3 inches, including section title, which is 11 point bold font. If you don't want the text in italics, simply remove the 'em' command and the curly braces which bound the abstract text. If you have em commands within an italicized abstract, the text will come out as normal (non-italicized) text. % end italics mode } %============================================================================== % CHANGE: here starts a section... % \section{Introduction} Here is my introduction text. There are 2 blank lines before the section heading and one afterwards. Heading text is 12 point bold font. Paragraphs are not indented. I may want a numbered subsection, which is done as follows. \subsection{Previous Work} In subsections there is 1 blank line before the section heading and one afterwards. Heading text is 11 point bold font. Paragraphs are indented one pica. There is no blank line between paragraphs. Throughout I may cite references of the form \cite{key:foo} or \cite{foo:baz}, and LaTeX will keep track of numbering. The numbers are based on the order you place them in the bibliography, not the order they appear in the text. They should (I believe) be in alphabetical order. LaTex will put square brackets about the number within the text of your paper. For those of you new to the bibliography package, you may have to run the latex process twice to allow all references to be resolved. You will get a warning about a missing .aux file. Just rerun latex and it will be ok. %============================================================================== % CHANGE: here starts a section... % \section{Summary and Conclusions} This template will get you through the minimum article, i.e. no figures or equations. To include those, please refer to your LaTeX manual and the IEEE publications guidelines. Good Luck! %============================================================================== % CHANGE: here starts an nunumbered (sub)section... % % this is how to do an unnumbered subsection \subsection*{Acknowledgments} % Note: There should be no "e" after the "g" This is how to do an unnumbered subsection, which comes out in 11 point bold font. Here I thank my colleagues, especially Mike Gennert, who know more about Tex and Latex than I. %============================================================================== % CHANGE: here starts the bibliography... % \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{key:foo} I. M. Author, ``Some Related Article I Wrote,'' {\em Some Fine Journal}, Vol. 17, pp. 1-100, 1987. \bibitem{foo:baz} A. N. Expert, {\em A Book He Wrote,} His Publisher, 1989. \end{thebibliography} \end{document} % % %==================== end LaTeX Macros ==================